Yeah, I came up with that!

The absurd idea of writing a blog is mostly an excuse to talking to myself.

I write as much as it pleases me. I write about what is currently on my mind. Und ich werde auch auf Deutsch schreiben, je nach Motivations- und Gefühlslage.

I do not demand anyone to read or care about this , for it is my SYMPHONY OF A MASTERMIND OF TRIVIALITY.

Yeah, I came up with that!

März 08, 2012

An unnecessary movie more.

I was shocked to realize that there is an American version of
Das Experiment, it is logically called The Experiment.

I am not convinced of the concept of re-making quite new movies.
However it worked out with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,
but according to the rating the American version of
Das Experiment  kind of failed. I'm okay with that,
the Germans deserve a little tribute, too. :)

Oki doke, that's it.

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