Yeah, I came up with that!

The absurd idea of writing a blog is mostly an excuse to talking to myself.

I write as much as it pleases me. I write about what is currently on my mind. Und ich werde auch auf Deutsch schreiben, je nach Motivations- und Gefühlslage.

I do not demand anyone to read or care about this , for it is my SYMPHONY OF A MASTERMIND OF TRIVIALITY.

Yeah, I came up with that!

März 30, 2012


Setting firm decisions, being determined, this is quite hard for me.

I have so many plans, so many wishes and desires, so many goals, so many languages I want to learn, but too quickly I quit learning, pursuing, trying.

I am lacking to be soundly tenacious.

The thing is, that I see my potential.
For instance, I spent two days occupying myself with a new language and I learned very fast, but after those two days I diminished my intensive studying, and after two weeks I doubted whether my learning so hard would make any sense.

Everything I do starts off quite great and fares badly eventually.
At least I am aware of this defect of my personality, so I created a simple list of 4 things I really want to do in my life. without ranking.


And I hope, that I feel encouraged to start learning, doing, working on them, because there are valid reasons not to quit, but to continue.

I want to see the meaning why I should learn American Sign Language in Germany.. I do love it, but it makes no sense.

I want to learn how to whistle really good, but I am afraid of failig, since my few own attempts led to nothing.

I want to attend pioneer school, and this is a goal 
I think I can manage to reach. 
I planned beforehand. Plus, this is something that 
others support and I need support and reassurance. 
Education is important to me, and I am glad to have the possibilty of receiving it intensely, and then there's going to be schooling 
every 5 years if I continue to be a pioneer.

Learning how to play Balalaika scares me a little, 
as my Mom e.g. does not take this desire seriously 
and actually, I just speak about it, but do not try to progress. 
Perhaps I will feel inclined to start learning, 
when I already reached one of those goals.

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