TOP 5:

A very appealing movie. As some may know I dig movies which take place in a very short period of time (wrote about it at the end of Rear Window) - Cosmopolis displays one night in one limo in a dystopian Manhattan.
However, definitely not a movie to watch due to immoral happenings already shown in the trailer.

the trailer is so, so, so, so intriguing!! a wonderful atmospehre is established, very charming, yet melancholy, but hopefully not heartbreaking! gonna see it!!
On the Road
I love music of the 60s! I am a freak respecting that.
I love the self-scrutiny in this movie. The search of inner satisfaction, but on a neverending road leading yet to another question about life.
Although I am able to say that I have found the ultimate answer to life, people seek more reasons, but stop searching whenever personal imaginations aren't pleased. They do not consider that not our needs or rather wants are to be pleased in that matter, but whatever God's standards teach us will bring eventual satisfaction. Well, everyone has a choice.
On The Road's protagonist is also a writer and he says, that the only people he is "interested to are the mad ones - mad to live, mad to talk, desirous of everything at the same time" - up to now I can identify myself with him, but I, for my part, made the best out of my poor mental health and force myself to prefer being alone rather than surrounding myself with mad people just like me.
So, all in all, I would be the only mad person in my set of aquaintances. Cheers!
The Great Gatsby
Based on a Fitzgerald's novel and I just like movies playing in this time period.
Anna Karenina
same here, I read the book and know the difference to Jane Austen's books and really wanna see a modern movie complementing my visualized reading.
A Fantastic Fear of Everything
again a writer- this one has an irrational fear of everything. the filmmakers used aspects of everyones childhood, favorite toys that eventually become the most horrifying elements in a fantasy of crime.
Being Flynn
a drama based on a real story about a son denying his father and writing a book.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
what would you do if you do not have the hope of everlasting life and think you just have a couple of days until the "end of the world". Steve Carell.
I have to say some of this movies sound pretty interesting, maybe I'll watch one ore another the next time!
AntwortenLöschenBy the way: I like your design pretty much :)
Hört sich auf Englisch sehr interessant an, muss ich mir jetzt erstmal auf Deutsch übersetzen :)
AntwortenLöschenTOlles Design , übrigens :)
Von den Filmen habe ich bisher noch nichts gehört, scheinen aber ein paar Interessante dabei zu sein :)
Liebe die Filme! :)
Dein Design gefällt mir sehr gut :) Nr. 5 gucke ich mir eventuell mal ang, klingt gut :) Auch 2 gefällt mir :) LG