Brick is a 2005 movie starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
The protagonist character is looking for his missing ex-girlfriend and finds himself involved in the official dealing sector of his town.
Eventually the situation is solved, but the way to the solution held my interest.
The whole movie is shot without bright colors, almost black and white, at least I perceived it that way.
Yeah, I came up with that!
The absurd idea of writing a blog is mostly an excuse to talking to myself.
I write as much as it pleases me. I write about what is currently on my mind. Und ich werde auch auf Deutsch schreiben, je nach Motivations- und Gefühlslage.
I do not demand anyone to read or care about this , for it is my SYMPHONY OF A MASTERMIND OF TRIVIALITY.
Yeah, I came up with that!
April 26, 2012
The Ten. May.
As usual I present my monthly The Ten movie list. The movies I mention aren't released this month, but caught my attention somehow and I want to relieve myself from the burden of having them constantly on my mind, so I write.
TOP 5:
A very appealing movie. As some may know I dig movies which take place in a very short period of time (wrote about it at the end of Rear Window) - Cosmopolis displays one night in one limo in a dystopian Manhattan.
However, definitely not a movie to watch due to immoral happenings already shown in the trailer.
TOP 5:

A very appealing movie. As some may know I dig movies which take place in a very short period of time (wrote about it at the end of Rear Window) - Cosmopolis displays one night in one limo in a dystopian Manhattan.
However, definitely not a movie to watch due to immoral happenings already shown in the trailer.
Beere und namenlos.

trivial life
April 19, 2012
Möpf Hanf.
Hahaha, oh mann. Folgendes...
Ein pflanzliches Heilmittel bei einer Hormonhaushaltaufräumung sieht so aus:
Ein pflanzliches Heilmittel bei einer Hormonhaushaltaufräumung sieht so aus:
Ein pflanzliches Heilmittel gegen sämtliche Unpässlichkeiten sieht so aus:
Vorsicht: Verwechslungsgefahr!
I got it, the answer - not to life, the universe and everything ≠ 42, but the assurance of my not being just an awful, detestable, mean person, but just a victim to a simple sickness.
trivial life
April 18, 2012
I don't like the person I am.
I could explode with abundance of words and phrases to describe, explain, exemplify my mischief, but ... on the other hand there is nothing anymore to tell.
Numb. Marble. Dull.
I could explode with abundance of words and phrases to describe, explain, exemplify my mischief, but ... on the other hand there is nothing anymore to tell.
Numb. Marble. Dull.
trivial life
April 17, 2012
May The Force Be With You!
I just watched The Simpsons (S23 E18) and thought it was really funny, but of course as I am not that educated in Internet language I was happy to learn that FIY means "For your Information". Plus, Homer is obsessed with the rip-off of LOST! Awesome! Well that's that.
This week's How I Met Your Mother's episode (S7 E21) made me laugh as well. Ted spilled hot soup on his being-alone-home-naked body and his facial expression was just hilarious and making me laugh so hard.
2 Broke Girls' episode (E 21), especially the scene in the tax office, was amusing, too.
trivial life
Rear Window.
On my vacation I took time to watch Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window.
Some weeks ago I added this title to my imdb watchlist, but didn't put it forth for consideration or so. However, when prettymuchit mentioned a Rear Window stichted into one scene clip, which was already great without seeing the actual movie, I was moved to finally watch the whole thing.
I liked that one was immediately involved in the situation.
Jeff is a photographer who broke his leg and spends the whole time at home looking out of his window and observing people. There are three more characters on his side of the window.
On the other side of the building complex there are six different families.
A wealthy songwriter who seems to have a lot of friends, but wants an emotional partner; a couple living upstairs who sleep on the balcone and whose dog is getting his walk by being led down in a basket; newlyweds who enjoy their first alone time behind shut windows; a beautiful ballet dancer who isn't that superficial as one may guess; a lonely woman downstairs, who is maybe a little psychotic as she cooks a meal and gets ready for a date but noone comes and she pretends as someone was there; and finally a caring husband and a sick wife lying in bed but tormenting obviously the husband by harsh words.
One day the woman is missing and it seems as if the husband killed her.
The entire movie is shot "out of the window" of Jeff's apartment! I like this perspective.
There are other movies where the main place of happenings is just one place. I remember Panic Room, the whole movie is set in the house and eventually the backyard, and the quite new movie Carnage which I haven't seen yet but which intrigues me because it is shot basically just in the living room.
I enjoyed Rear Window because it is in a way "clean" and differs from all new thrillers and keeps my attention for quite a while.
Some weeks ago I added this title to my imdb watchlist, but didn't put it forth for consideration or so. However, when prettymuchit mentioned a Rear Window stichted into one scene clip, which was already great without seeing the actual movie, I was moved to finally watch the whole thing.
I liked that one was immediately involved in the situation.
Jeff is a photographer who broke his leg and spends the whole time at home looking out of his window and observing people. There are three more characters on his side of the window.
On the other side of the building complex there are six different families.
A wealthy songwriter who seems to have a lot of friends, but wants an emotional partner; a couple living upstairs who sleep on the balcone and whose dog is getting his walk by being led down in a basket; newlyweds who enjoy their first alone time behind shut windows; a beautiful ballet dancer who isn't that superficial as one may guess; a lonely woman downstairs, who is maybe a little psychotic as she cooks a meal and gets ready for a date but noone comes and she pretends as someone was there; and finally a caring husband and a sick wife lying in bed but tormenting obviously the husband by harsh words.
One day the woman is missing and it seems as if the husband killed her.
The entire movie is shot "out of the window" of Jeff's apartment! I like this perspective.
There are other movies where the main place of happenings is just one place. I remember Panic Room, the whole movie is set in the house and eventually the backyard, and the quite new movie Carnage which I haven't seen yet but which intrigues me because it is shot basically just in the living room.
I enjoyed Rear Window because it is in a way "clean" and differs from all new thrillers and keeps my attention for quite a while.
April 08, 2012
'schuldigung, aber is' so.
'schuldigung, aber is' so. wie häufig verwende ich diesen unbedeutenden Satz. Er ist wahrhaftig bedeutungslos.
April 06, 2012
I got a partially amazing offer.
I admitted to a friend how much I love all the Asterix & Obelix cartoons. Secondly, I said that I never watched Dumbo and refuse entirely to do so. He then offered to lend me the seven Asterix & Obelix cartoons out of his collection for a while, but I would be forced to watch Dumbo.
Would that pain be worth it?? Could I possibly decline my oldest favorite childhood cartoon movie, but be under compulsion to watch something which just by looking at the cover annoys me? I doubt it!
I admitted to a friend how much I love all the Asterix & Obelix cartoons. Secondly, I said that I never watched Dumbo and refuse entirely to do so. He then offered to lend me the seven Asterix & Obelix cartoons out of his collection for a while, but I would be forced to watch Dumbo.
Would that pain be worth it?? Could I possibly decline my oldest favorite childhood cartoon movie, but be under compulsion to watch something which just by looking at the cover annoys me? I doubt it!
It's a deal!!
trivial life
April 05, 2012
I was never fond of Italy.
However, if there would be a special someone who wants to show me awesome places, I would join that person for sure.
In To Rome with Love, a new movie by Woody Allen, I perhaps will grow in appreciation for that city also without someone tour-guiding me.
Defintitely a movie to watch .. especially after Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Midnight in Paris.
As concerns Woody Allen's movies I didn't mention in my reviews and I didn't watch yet..
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger sounds and looks stupid to me, I'll watch most likely Scoop, but don't know yet what's about Cassandra's Dream.
However, if there would be a special someone who wants to show me awesome places, I would join that person for sure.
In To Rome with Love, a new movie by Woody Allen, I perhaps will grow in appreciation for that city also without someone tour-guiding me.
Defintitely a movie to watch .. especially after Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Midnight in Paris.
As concerns Woody Allen's movies I didn't mention in my reviews and I didn't watch yet..
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger sounds and looks stupid to me, I'll watch most likely Scoop, but don't know yet what's about Cassandra's Dream.
trivial life
April 04, 2012
Yesterday I was doing excessive research about Chronicle.
I encountered a major hype about that movie. People praise that movie, critics do as well.
However, as much as this movie is cherished, it is hated or disliked in the same way.
As there are mixed opinions about that movie, I gotta make up my own mind. So, I will watch it for sure!
Although I am now - after my research - more than aware of a lot of cons and spoilers, I will also focus on the good stuff, to which I definitely count the flying scenes. I am really looking forward to them!!
The shaky, homemade-video style in the trailer is already causing me to have headache, but I hope I'll endure the pain for the movies' sake. ..and the movie shall be amazing for my sake.
I encountered a major hype about that movie. People praise that movie, critics do as well.
However, as much as this movie is cherished, it is hated or disliked in the same way.
As there are mixed opinions about that movie, I gotta make up my own mind. So, I will watch it for sure!
Although I am now - after my research - more than aware of a lot of cons and spoilers, I will also focus on the good stuff, to which I definitely count the flying scenes. I am really looking forward to them!!
The shaky, homemade-video style in the trailer is already causing me to have headache, but I hope I'll endure the pain for the movies' sake. ..and the movie shall be amazing for my sake.
April 03, 2012
Total Recall.
I just saw the trailer to Total Recall and was reminded of exactly three other movies.
Those would be mainly Vanilla Sky because of the whole entering-another-life/world/dream-thing and not being able to discern reality.
Then, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind which basically works with Déjà-Vus which aren't such, since one actually experienced whatever is called Déjà-Vu there, but got it erased from one's mind.
In the same way, Colin Ferrel's character will be reminded of things he actually already knows, I guess. ...though these movies definitely are not comparable at all!!
Finally, Inception made use of the same "music", or rather breaks and buzzing. Notice that sound at the end of the trailer of Total Recall and now remember the exact sound in Inception whenever any dream is close to collaps!!
I know I'm right! :D
ATTENTION: I won't watch Total Recall, though.
link to a list.
I would like to draw your attention to my favorite actors and my favorite movies.
That's pretty much it.
That's pretty much it.
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