Yeah, I came up with that!

The absurd idea of writing a blog is mostly an excuse to talking to myself.

I write as much as it pleases me. I write about what is currently on my mind. Und ich werde auch auf Deutsch schreiben, je nach Motivations- und Gefühlslage.

I do not demand anyone to read or care about this , for it is my SYMPHONY OF A MASTERMIND OF TRIVIALITY.

Yeah, I came up with that!

Mai 22, 2012

Everybody lies.

Well, well , well, good old Dr. Gregory House, we love him, we hate him, but mostly we love him.. or, wait, do we? Do I?

The 177th episode, the 8th season's finale, the show's finale aired Monday, the 21st May.

House's commonly used phrase "Everybody lies!" is made into "Everybody dies!", the last episode's name.

Combine those two phrases and make up on your own how it ends. 
Everybody lies + Everybody dies = Noone dies ??

At least House didn't after all, although it really looked like it and there is no way that he could have escaped out of the house burning in flames and right in front of his freaking face a huge explosion took place. Ok, for the sake of a friendly separation, I mean for the sake that I am content with the end of the show, I won't question the way it ended.

I like that House never visibly was indulging in self-doubts. He surely wasn't satisfied with his life as it was and for that reason analyzed, judged and corrected people by his own standards. He did so very harshly, rudely and yet in a controlled and forced way. He couldn't do otherwise, he felt urged to do so, I preceived it at least that way. There was no law he thought would be worth to heed. 

All in all, he was a selfish, cynnical, misantropic, but dependant person. He was dependant on not being let alone entirely.. dependant on being admired and loved somehow. 
Well ok, I did not watch every single episode to analyze that, it is an overall interpretation. It might be wrong. 

However, after writing all of this, I think I do love House, he is a socially and mentally unbalanced personality, which intrigues the average person. 

Another deep question, is average always average, is there any real average? Let's discuss that another time.

It wasn't my intention to feel now melancholy and grievous, therefore I think of the funny parts of last Simpsons episode. Here is a picture of Lady Gaga's biggest threat, Baby Gugu: 

5 Kommentare:

  1. Das Bild ist ja süß! :)

  2. Oh mein Englisch ist nicht so gut :)
    Dr. House mag ich nicht so, irgendwie zu abgedreht :)

  3. ich guck leider nicht so gerne filme

  4. :) cool
