Yeah, I came up with that!

The absurd idea of writing a blog is mostly an excuse to talking to myself.

I write as much as it pleases me. I write about what is currently on my mind. Und ich werde auch auf Deutsch schreiben, je nach Motivations- und Gefühlslage.

I do not demand anyone to read or care about this , for it is my SYMPHONY OF A MASTERMIND OF TRIVIALITY.

Yeah, I came up with that!

August 29, 2012


ultimate [the best achievable or imaginable of its kind].

Gogol Bordello express it that way:

There was never any good old days 
They are today, they are tomorrow 
It's a stupid thing we say 
Cursing tomorrow with sorrow 

The ultimate thing is to look ahead. 
have a postive, but realistic outlook. hopes, that aren't far-fetched. no self-defeating desires and expectations, rather healthy ones. 

Steppin' on the trail of ultimate 
I would never choose to die 
Give me the rest of all the secrets 
Give me new culture of life 

there lies a lot of truth in this remark. similar to the way of life the Bible recommends and promises. 
It's a deal! Put it there. I'm in. 

Gogol Bordello's bandleader is Ukrainian by the way. 
He sings Russian and English. and he starred together with Elijah Wood in Jonathan Safran Foer's Everything is Illuminated

The movie was different. interesting. memorable. 
I like the Russian and English intermingling. 
I didn't like that a lot of it wasn't actually shot in Ukraine,
 but the Czech Republic. Their roads are too plane, not potholed enough. 
and some actresses just tried to speak Russian. 

Foer's book was quite slow-paced. 
The whole introduction is over several pages long and 
tells about the old village and Jewish customs and so-called funny stories. 
Maybe I just didn't get it, since I am an average stupid person. 

If you know Everything is Illuminated you almost immediately 
get Extremely Loud & Incredibly CloseThere a lot of similarites and 
Foer's style and some clichées are all too obvious.

Both main characters (Elijah Wood, Thomas Horn) are sort of autistic or peculiarly idiosyncratic (finally I used that word, I got it in my mind for such a long time and just wanted to write it. fair enough! yes! fair enough is another thing I say way too less and often unnaturally).

Wood is on a journey to familiarize himself with his dead Grandfather's origin and what happened to Augustina, the girl on the picture. He collects just ANYTHING in a plastic bag, orders and pins it.
Horn is also on a journey to find out what his father's key is for. 
Both just want to be with their dead ancestors/family, be close, remember and occupy themselves with them. the characters are visibly and invisibly Jewish as Foer himself. it's fun.

No time, no leisure, no want to analyze it in more detail.
Fact is, I enjoyed both movies. Several times.

Link  Eugene Hütz, the bandleader, was amazingly funny. I love accents. I love the Indian and Russian accent when speaking English.. some may know already how obsessive I can be about that.

August 26, 2012



In einem Zustand von innerlicher Qual der mich 
umgebenden Ungerechtigkeit greife ich wie schon 
so oft auf das Lied The Only von Static X 
und Aim4 von Flint zurück. 

Nach einem Gespräch zu der höchsten Persönlichkeit 
im Universum voller starker Herzschlägen und kontinuierlicher Unruhe, 
bringt dieses Lied seeehr laut gehört zumindest Takt in meine Nervosität. 

Ich sage hiermit, dass keine Ungerechtigkeit, 
keine Lügen und keine Person mich zerschmettern kann  
das Recht hat mich von meiner geliebten Fahrradspur abzubringen.

Trockenshampoo funktioniert wirklich.
Auch kleine Dinge können mich wenigstens 
noch bis zur völligen Euphorie überraschen.

Moby hör ich wieder mehr. SilverbullitJustice. Digitalism. MGMT
Elektro allgemein. Auch deutschen. Mediengruppe Telekommander,
altbekannte Deichkind irgendwie nicht. 
Dennoch bleiben meine all-time favorites Nine Inch Nails,
Unkle und White Stripes oben auf der Liste.

und FluxFM spielt viel gefallende Musik.

August 20, 2012

One day we'll be old.

♫ Asaf Avidan - One day / Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Remix)

Am heißesten Tag des Jahres: 
schwimmen im Kanal, 
Fahrrad fahren durch Wälder und Felder.
Auf riesige Strohräder klettern.
Wassermelone, Brombeeren, Mais und Äpfel.
Die Äpfel frisch vom Baum.
Hier wenige Bilder.

Äpfel in Empfang nehmen.
auf den besten Apfel zeigen.

August 13, 2012


Morcheeba - Over and Over

Inspiration is what I am lacking.
I listen to the same old and absolutely fine music, 
however, it feels as if I sucked already all inspiration out of it.
Absence of feelings. Marble.
I need something new.

The masses of movies I watched just within a week 
moved me to think for a moment about some vital issues. 
Still, I wholeheartedly numbly miss a smooth easy-goingness in life. 

Levni Yilmaz expresses non-feelings in his Tales of Mere Existence 
similar to mine , especially in this episode.

I'm in no mood to talk about anything. 
I'm not sure  it's because I'm out of words or out of opinions. 
There is only one little problem. If you ever tried to 
shut yourself down like this, you may be familiar with 
the thought of how comforting it is, how peaceful it is 
and how semi-strong you feel because you 
know nothing can touch you. 
However, you may be also familiar with the 
total awareness that it really kind of sucks.

- Levni Yilmaz

August 07, 2012

Kind Regards.

Dear Great Britain, 
or would you like to be called UK (?),

It was nice meeting you your border control.
What a shame that we broke up before we even 
got to know each other.
You didn’t try your hardest to keep me, no, instead you 
treated me like an intruder.
Do you think I deserved that? Fact is, Liza has no Visa.
Ok, you got a point there, but did the police really have to 
escort me out of the neutral ground between France 
and the Eurotunnel leading to you?
Was it necessary to let me find a cheap hotel close to midnight?
Was it worth it to leave me in fright behind?
I guess for you it was a formality fun.

Sincerely yours,


FYI: I don’t like to be called “young lady”. 

August 06, 2012


I don't make sense without you. 

- Morley

street artist Morley:


I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. 
I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice 
myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance 
of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life.
- Leo Tolstoy "Family Happiness"

I find myself the first time of my life in Cologne, sitting in Starbucks, 
drinking some weird delicious liquid with whip cream on it. Whip Cream rules. 
Anyone here who knows Family Guys' scene of the debate between 
Stewie and Brian how Cool Whip is correctly pronounced? Well. 

What very complicated incidences led to my being here is 
already put down in writing and will be posted soon.

I like those chairs here.