I did it. We did it. the first outing.
to make you understand what I mean:
the last (23./24.) episode of HIMYM's 7th season was hilarious. the whole Barney magician thing, the mystery door and Marshall and Lily's newborn. After they took him home, Robin was assigned to be the photographer, preferrably taking pictures for the first time out in the park. However, various circumstances led to being the bar the baby's first outing and not the park.
So, my camera's first outing was when I met a friend whom I don't get to see very often. She is wonderful, so it's definitely a privilege for me, and her.
Later that night we went to the German Sign Language Meeting.
Awesome experience.
Awesome experience.
Wie cool, Batman :)
AntwortenLöschenFinde den Bahnhof in Aachen schön ;) aber den in Antwerpen kann fast kein Bahnhof toppen. Hoffe das ist jezt der Bahnhof in Aachen oder mein Gedächtnis hat nen Riss XD
AntwortenLöschenHabe zwar keine Batman Comics gelsen, sondern nur dir Filme gesehen aber ich liebe sie!